Sunday, June 28, 2009

Information Overload!

It has been a busy week and once again, I feel like an technology infant. I have been using technology for some time, but most of everything we've done up until now has been new.

I like blogging, I do not like twitter, I like google reader, and I think I like classroom 2.0. It is so much to take in...

I'm back in Florida (Miami this time) for work, but I'm keeping up and continuing to read others' blogs and read items posted on classroom 2.0. I hope to continue to figure all of this out as we go... and hopefully improve.

I still forget to go directly to google reader and instead, still go to each site separately. Bad habits are hard to break!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Am I Learning??

These first two weeks of class have been very interesting... and busy!
I have always thought that I'm somewhat computer literate and was up-to-date about how to use technology...
but I now feel like an infant.
I have heard of blogging and twitter, but was never interested in doing it myself. I would have said that I was
too busy to set up an account, or that I wasn't interested. I can see how they can be beneficial, rather than
just something to help pass the time. The articles from week one were very good and touched on some
important aspects of using technology in the classroom - and whether it's just because it's available, or if
it is truly being used effectively.
Google reader is completely new to me and I think that I will end up using it more in the future. However, because
it's new, I still feel a little overwhelmed and don't always think to go straight to it. It will work into the rotation
soon though. I have learned what a PLN is, even though I've always had one. Interesting thing when a label is
As mentioned, I'm somewhat overwhelmed, but I am excited to learn more tools that will help me in the future.


A personal learning network is formed when you have a network of people and information sources that you turn to when you have questions, need advice, or want a sounding board. It is comprised of the magazines you subscribe to, the websites that you read regularly, parents and friends, colleagues, etc. (taken from Prof. Brunsell's site).
Over the past 6 years of teaching I have had a PLN, but as was mentioned on our PLN page, I did not know it. I am one that asks for help and advice from more experienced faculty. I figure that they have been around longer and have dealt with similar situations in the past, therefore, they should be able to tell me what they have done. Of course, I don't always agree and I may not use their input, but I value them. I have had a very close relationship over the last few years with the other biology teacher and our chemistry teacher. They have been very valuable to my growth in dealing with students, parents, and in becoming a better teacher.
Along with my colleagues (both science and non-science faculty), I am a member of NSTA, NABT, and HASTI. I receive and read the publications that they put out and I attend our state science conference each year. I read National Geographic and subscribe to Scientific American Earth 3.0 for current issues that will help me teach my students. I am always doing internet searches and reading science daily so that I can be up to date and use example that my classes will enjoy. These organizations and magazines do fall within my PLN and help answer questions, or lead me to continue further research on certain topics.
I hope that I can get a better grasp on the new tools that I'm learning about in my webtools class. I want to expand how I obtain information and I know that it will make me a better teacher. If using Twitter, blogging, Classroom 2.0, and other tools will make me more effective, then my students will benefit.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Global warming video

Additional science blogs...

Science Blog

I found this blog, it has some good stuff within it over a wide array of topics.

I could use this blog in both environmental science and biology.  I could have students search for specific topics within the blog and make comments, or have them write me a short summary of what they've read  and their thoughts/feelings/opinions.

Also, because it has many topics I could offer them an opportunity to earn extra credit by reading and keeping up with some current events.

Utilizing this blog (along w/ others) would fit into my guiding principles because students would be learning from a web-based medium, and it's a new way of engaging the students.  Therefore, I would hope for more focus and attention while they complete the work.

Also, from my perspective I am embracing new ways of reaching students beyond the chalkboard and lectures of a typical classroom.

Friday, June 19, 2009

My guiding principles

I have been lucky.  Over the past 5 years, our school has immersed itself into a 1:1 laptop adoption program.  I use a computer daily, probably way too much if you ask my wife.  Our kids are using computers in every class for assignments, research, presentations... pretty much any way you can think of.  I try to incorporate technology as much as possible to keep them engaged.

Technology is the key to getting/keeping students interested and involved.

Technology is the way of the world (as the video mentioned and we've all heard before - 21st century skills).

Technology will enhance and improve education (if used correctly).

Technology can open up new doors and we should not fear it... embrace it and adapt to our changing world.

Did you know video

I really liked this video -

It's a little scary how things have changed.  What will things be like for my kids?  What are the future impacts of technology on the USA and the rest of the world?

There are some really good quotes and questions in the video.  If you haven't already, check it out at the link above.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Something I love to do

I'm very involved in the sport of volleyball. I have been officiating for 16 years and I am a National USAV and National PAVO referee. I have been in training to become an International referee for the last 2 years. My friend Bill from Nebraska just went through the IRCC and passed, so hopefully I will get a crack at it soon. Here is a link to USA volleyball for those of you that like the sport.

Also, if you have any interest in the international scene, visit the FIVB's website at

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Back for more

Ok, I have a few minutes to see if I'm on the right track. If you have clicked my link and this is what you're seeing, drop me a note so I know it worked.

Thanks and I look forward to working w/ you. I saw a few posts and I think many of us are in the same boat... I'm going to be at MSU for my capstone next summer too.

losing my virginity...

Hi, this is my first time ever blogging!
I'll get back to it when I have more time.