I started playing around with Google Earth. Man, has it changed since the last time I was on it. I had some initial problems getting it to download onto my laptop, but it's on now. I'm going to continue to play around with it and look at what it can do, but it's much more complicated (and much better) than it was years ago. I really think that I could use anything under the global awareness and ocean sections in my environmental science classes. Also (even though I had problems getting it to show up), the animations and 3D graphs of oil distribution/use and population distribution would work very well too.
I am still sifting through sites with simulations and figuring out which ones I could incorporate into my classroom. Anything I can do to help supplement the textbook and give students another opportunity to learn is a good thing. Since all of our kids have a laptop, a good simulation would be easy and quick to do w/o the hassle of setting up computer lab time. I have been looking mostly over some of the old simulations posted by last year's class for biology topics. I found some that I have used in the past and then there were a few that I haven't seen before. Some of these concepts are difficult for 9th graders, so a simulation may help push them over the edge in terms of grasping them better.
I have continued to use Twitter over the last week. I even added and picked up new people to follow and follow me. I still don't know if I really like it. I would almost rather log onto Facebook and update my status there. Also, I have been better at going directly to Google Reader for new information, rather than going to each site directly. I do like the fact that one location gives me so much information. I will definitely work on cleaning it up and use it in the future.
I have not attended an online/virtual professional development session yet... that is next on my list. I am going to try and complete that sometime next week when I have a little more time.
Technology is pretty cool!
Professional development
15 years ago
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