Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Attempt at a 'good' presentation

This is a brief introduction to mitosis. I kept the information to a minimum and I used pictures to help the students identify each stage.  
At the end of the presentation, I included two videos for the students to watch. The first is an animation that has good information and 
the second video is a funny representation of what happens during mitosis.



  1. Bill,
    Very nice job with this. I appreciate just the right bullet point text being used. May I use this with my students? I could not get the links to the videos to work. They took me to this video on youtube

  2. When you click those links, both videos are on youtube. They are pretty good videos. And of course, you may use it.

  3. Bill, I don't know how I missed your blog. Sorry, I'm following now. I really like your power point. Clean, crisp (great slide design) and the text is just right.
    This would make a good extra for students on my blog or wiki. If you don't mind I will use it as well. Thanks.
